Sunday, May 10, 2015

"Come on The finish is right place is confirmed."

Sprinting up that hill and onto the top field,I saw the spectators on the hill flailing their arms and cheering me on. I was out of breath and ready to pass out, I was just about to complete four laps with throbbing ankles and a pounding head.

Sprinting past Adele she told me to keep going and run my hardest. Mr. Meikle told me to ignore the hands that were begging for high fives and sprint to the end where Tiare, Mia and Olivia were waiting to give me my mark.

 I finally finished the running type of torture and sat down next to the people who had finished before me. To many people to list. I came 11th out of my class, which is pretty good for a person who does not like to run much.

I can't wait for cross country next year when I would be prepared.
Or will I???? :)

Monday, April 20, 2015

WALT Understand the importance of ANZAC.